Dear _______ 

It’s like a link is missing.
Jupiter without her moons in orbit.
Missing something I never had, but the lifetime-long vacancy is all too real for me.

A feeling unbridled by any other.
One so strong, the thought of it alone sends shivers down my spine.
You’d find perfection in my idiosyncrasies and faults. 

Do I knowingly put myself in harm’s way or wait for the day to give you my all?
Will my inexperience frighten you such that I’m blinded to your significance and you to mine?
Should I open up my heart to others in preparation for you?
Would it even matter? 

You’d make this sacrifice. I have faith in you.

Your love will surround my borders, knocking down my boundaries, preparing me for peace in place of war.
Will I fall into you so deep that I’ll lose myself? Or is it in you that I’ll find me, complete?

Even a second with you will be enough.
If all I have with you in this life is the blink of an eye, I’ll be thankful. 
To behold such beauty, even if only in brevity is a gift.

Your presence will take my anxiety away, a rush of comfort.
But butterflies will still abound, for my mind will linger on the thought of you wanting me.
You, whom I adore, whom I find perfect in a flawless pattern. You, want me.

Exploring each others’ inner depths through and through.
Perfectly matched, pieces of a puzzle finally put together.
You’d be my real love, first, last ending and beginning.
What will our love create?
Our love exists on a celestial plane. We’ll out-love earth. 

The hope of you gets me through these days.
The anticipation of you gets me through these days.
I’ve yet to meet you. Can’t imagine what your name would be.
I know not when we’re destined to encounter.
But your love gets me through these days.