All your life you're made to feel
Not pretty but smart.
You of many questions,
You of infinite curiosity
You of academic prowess and brilliance.
You shine not because of a desirable exterior but you're alleged superior interior.
They boost You up
on pedestals nearly as grand as white femininity
minus the protection but with the same degree of infallibility.
The one thing You can do is think.
Without a doubt
Until, one day you're thrown into a sea of yous.
Everyone else was the You where they're from.
You begin to shake on the pedestal.
You don't look ahead or gaze above into the heavens. You look to your sides, adjacent and behind to peer at the other yous.
You were once the monotheistic God,
now it's Mount Olympus.
Converted to mythical polytheism and no longer are You God but a mere god among gods.
You slouch on your pedestal.
In the land of the small lettered gods you feel average.
You don't know for sure anymore.

But then there are times when you beckon back to the glory days of You as God and You perk yourself back up, gaze ahead on your pedestal and remember who You are. You're the You.
The You that challenges You to ascend to another level of human intellectual divinity, only this time You lose you completely.
you no longer believe in you.
you kneel on your pedestal, head draped down in defeat.
your confidence wanes like a toddler off the teat. And one day it's all depleted.
you don't even consider yourself a wee god. you descend yourself beneath levels, skipping humanity and diving straight to sub intellectual varmint.
you are no longer you who rules but she who is ruled upon. you are no longer you but a she.
a she who is no longer worthy of a pedestal.
a bottom feeder, a scavenger. a thing who doesn't use her brain, in fact does she even have one?
a thing inferior
a thing invisible
a thing that forgot when she was a You
a You that was God.